Becoming, more.

I entered Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society at my school over a year ago hoping to achieve some extra scholarship money. Along the path of my first year, I grew into a project managing leader. Even attained the office of vice president of my local chapter. Then in August of last year a traumatizing family event left me homeless for a month without resources or traditional avenues to turn to for help. Instead I leaned into PTK. I reached out to my PTK advisor. He helped me like a father to acquire the resources to take care of myself while I suffered through my plite. Then he gave me an opportunity by asking me to help him recruit new members. That was exactly what I needed at the moment. It showed me no matter what was going on in life, my story my voice had worth. So I dug in and doubled down on PTK.

I spent the rest of that semester volunteering at every possible opportunity even getting my four children to come on days I had no sitter.

The support I received from my PTK chapter during that month was crucial in my academic survival. As time went by I got to know our other leaders more before our biggest event of the year the #catalyst2024 event in Orlando Florida. This is our international convention where thousands come from all over the world.


Pieces of my puzzle


Great new heights